Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ app | |
► src | |
aboutdialog.cpp | |
aboutdialog.h | |
actioncommands.cpp | |
actioncommands.h | |
addtransparencytopaperdialog.cpp | |
addtransparencytopaperdialog.h | |
app-pch.h | |
app_util.cpp | |
app_util.h | |
basedockwidget.cpp | |
basedockwidget.h | |
bucketoptionswidget.cpp | |
bucketoptionswidget.h | |
cameracontextmenu.cpp | |
cameracontextmenu.h | |
cameraoptionswidget.cpp | |
cameraoptionswidget.h | |
camerapropertiesdialog.cpp | |
camerapropertiesdialog.h | |
checkupdatesdialog.cpp | |
checkupdatesdialog.h | |
colorbox.cpp | |
colorbox.h | |
colorinspector.cpp | |
colorinspector.h | |
colorpalettewidget.cpp | |
colorpalettewidget.h | |
colorslider.cpp | |
colorslider.h | |
colorwheel.cpp | |
colorwheel.h | |
commandlineexporter.cpp | |
commandlineexporter.h | |
commandlineparser.cpp | |
commandlineparser.h | |
doubleprogressdialog.cpp | |
doubleprogressdialog.h | |
elidedlabel.cpp | |
elidedlabel.h | |
errordialog.cpp | |
errordialog.h | |
exportimagedialog.cpp | |
exportimagedialog.h | |
exportmoviedialog.cpp | |
exportmoviedialog.h | |
filedialog.cpp | |
filedialog.h | |
filespage.cpp | |
filespage.h | |
generalpage.cpp | |
generalpage.h | |
importexportdialog.cpp | |
importexportdialog.h | |
importimageseqdialog.cpp | |
importimageseqdialog.h | |
importlayersdialog.cpp | |
importlayersdialog.h | |
importpositiondialog.cpp | |
importpositiondialog.h | |
layeropacitydialog.cpp | |
layeropacitydialog.h | |
main.cpp | |
mainwindow2.cpp | |
mainwindow2.h | |
onionskinwidget.cpp | |
onionskinwidget.h | |
pegbaralignmentdialog.cpp | |
pegbaralignmentdialog.h | |
pencil2d.cpp | |
pencil2d.h | |
popupcolorpalettewidget.cpp | |
popupcolorpalettewidget.h | |
predefinedsetmodel.cpp | |
predefinedsetmodel.h | |
preferencesdialog.cpp | |
preferencesdialog.h | |
presetdialog.cpp | |
presetdialog.h | |
repositionframesdialog.cpp | |
repositionframesdialog.h | |
shortcutfilter.cpp | |
shortcutfilter.h | |
shortcutspage.cpp | |
shortcutspage.h | |
spinslider.cpp | |
spinslider.h | |
statusbar.cpp | |
statusbar.h | |
timecontrols.cpp | |
timecontrols.h | |
timeline.cpp | |
timeline.h | |
timelinecells.cpp | |
timelinecells.h | |
timelinepage.cpp | |
timelinepage.h | |
toolbox.cpp | |
toolbox.h | |
tooloptionwidget.cpp | |
tooloptionwidget.h | |
toolspage.cpp | |
toolspage.h | |
▼ core_lib | |
► src | |
► external | |
► linux | |
linux.cpp | |
► macosx | |
macosx.cpp | |
macosxnative.h | | | |
► win32 | |
win32.cpp | |
platformhandler.h | |
► graphics | |
► bitmap | |
bitmapbucket.cpp | |
bitmapbucket.h | |
bitmapimage.cpp | |
bitmapimage.h | |
tile.cpp | |
tile.h | |
tiledbuffer.cpp | |
tiledbuffer.h | |
► vector | |
bezierarea.cpp | |
bezierarea.h | |
beziercurve.cpp | |
beziercurve.h | |
colorref.cpp | |
colorref.h | |
vectorimage.cpp | |
vectorimage.h | |
vectorselection.cpp | |
vectorselection.h | |
vertexref.cpp | |
vertexref.h | |
► interface | |
backgroundwidget.cpp | |
backgroundwidget.h | |
editor.cpp | |
editor.h | |
flowlayout.cpp | |
flowlayout.h | |
legacybackupelement.cpp | |
legacybackupelement.h | |
recentfilemenu.cpp | |
recentfilemenu.h | |
scribblearea.cpp | |
scribblearea.h | |
undoredocommand.cpp | |
undoredocommand.h | |
► managers | |
basemanager.cpp | |
basemanager.h | |
clipboardmanager.cpp | |
clipboardmanager.h | |
colormanager.cpp | |
colormanager.h | |
layermanager.cpp | |
layermanager.h | |
overlaymanager.cpp | |
overlaymanager.h | |
playbackmanager.cpp | |
playbackmanager.h | |
preferencemanager.cpp | |
preferencemanager.h | |
selectionmanager.cpp | |
selectionmanager.h | |
soundmanager.cpp | |
soundmanager.h | |
toolmanager.cpp | |
toolmanager.h | |
undoredomanager.cpp | |
undoredomanager.h | |
viewmanager.cpp | |
viewmanager.h | |
► structure | |
camera.cpp | |
camera.h | |
filemanager.cpp | |
filemanager.h | |
keyframe.cpp | |
keyframe.h | |
layer.cpp | |
layer.h | |
layerbitmap.cpp | |
layerbitmap.h | |
layercamera.cpp | |
layercamera.h | |
layersound.cpp | |
layersound.h | |
layervector.cpp | |
layervector.h | |
object.cpp | |
object.h | |
objectdata.cpp | |
objectdata.h | |
pegbaraligner.cpp | |
pegbaraligner.h | |
soundclip.cpp | |
soundclip.h | |
► tool | |
basetool.cpp | |
basetool.h | |
brushtool.cpp | |
brushtool.h | |
buckettool.cpp | |
buckettool.h | |
cameratool.cpp | |
cameratool.h | |
erasertool.cpp | |
erasertool.h | |
eyedroppertool.cpp | |
eyedroppertool.h | |
handtool.cpp | |
handtool.h | |
movetool.cpp | |
movetool.h | |
penciltool.cpp | |
penciltool.h | |
pentool.cpp | |
pentool.h | |
polylinetool.cpp | |
polylinetool.h | |
selecttool.cpp | |
selecttool.h | |
smudgetool.cpp | |
smudgetool.h | |
strokeinterpolator.cpp | |
strokeinterpolator.h | |
stroketool.cpp | |
stroketool.h | |
► util | |
blitrect.cpp | |
blitrect.h | |
cameraeasingtype.cpp | |
cameraeasingtype.h | |
camerafieldoption.h | |
colordictionary.h | |
fileformat.cpp | |
fileformat.h | |
filetype.h | |
log.cpp | |
log.h | |
mathutils.h | |
movemode.h | |
onionskinpainteroptions.h | |
onionskinpaintstate.h | |
painterutils.h | |
pencildef.h | |
pencilerror.cpp | |
pencilerror.h | |
pencilsettings.cpp | |
pencilsettings.h | |
pointerevent.cpp | |
pointerevent.h | |
preferencesdef.h | |
transform.cpp | |
transform.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
activeframepool.cpp | |
activeframepool.h | |
camerapainter.cpp | |
camerapainter.h | |
canvascursorpainter.cpp | |
canvascursorpainter.h | |
canvaspainter.cpp | |
canvaspainter.h | |
corelib-pch.h | |
miniz.cpp | |
miniz.h | |
movieexporter.cpp | |
movieexporter.h | |
movieimporter.cpp | |
movieimporter.h | |
onionskinsubpainter.cpp | |
onionskinsubpainter.h | |
overlaypainter.cpp | |
overlaypainter.h | |
qminiz.cpp | |
qminiz.h | |
selectionpainter.cpp | |
selectionpainter.h | |
soundplayer.cpp | |
soundplayer.h | |