This is the complete list of members for BitmapImage, including all inherited members.
addEventListener(KeyFrameEventListener *) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | |
autoCrop() | BitmapImage | |
BitmapImage() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
BitmapImage(const BitmapImage &) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
BitmapImage(const QRect &rectangle, const QColor &color) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
BitmapImage(const QPoint &topLeft, const QImage &image) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
BitmapImage(const QPoint &topLeft, const QString &path) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
blackline (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
blueline (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
bottom() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
bottomLeft() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
bottomRight() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
bounds() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
clear() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
clear(QRect rectangle) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
clear(QRectF rectangle) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
clone() const override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | virtual |
COLORDIFF (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
compareColor(QRgb newColor, QRgb oldColor, int tolerance, QHash< QRgb, bool > *cache) | BitmapImage | inlinestatic |
constScanLine(int x, int y) const (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
contains(QPoint P) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
contains(QPointF P) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
copy() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
copy(QRect rectangle) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
drawEllipse(QRectF rectangle, QPen pen, QBrush brush, QPainter::CompositionMode cm, bool antialiasing) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
drawLine(QPointF P1, QPointF P2, QPen pen, QPainter::CompositionMode cm, bool antialiasing) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
drawPath(QPainterPath path, QPen pen, QBrush brush, QPainter::CompositionMode cm, bool antialiasing) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
drawRect(QRectF rectangle, QPen pen, QBrush brush, QPainter::CompositionMode cm, bool antialiasing) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
enableAutoCrop(bool b) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
expandFill(bool *fillPixels, const QRect &searchBounds, const QRect &maxBounds, int expand) | BitmapImage | static |
extend(const QPoint &p) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | protected |
extend(QRect rectangle) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | protected |
fileName() const (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
fillNonAlphaPixels(const QRgb color) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
floodFill(BitmapImage **replaceImage, const BitmapImage *targetImage, const QRect &cameraRect, const QPoint &point, const QRgb &fillColor, int tolerance, const int expandValue) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | static |
floodFillPoints(const BitmapImage *targetImage, const QRect &searchBounds, QPoint point, const int tolerance, QRect &newBounds) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | static |
getOpacity() const (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
GRAYSCALEDIFF (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
greenline (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
height() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
image() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
isLoaded() const override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | virtual |
isMinimallyBounded() const | BitmapImage | inline |
isModified() const (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
isSelected() const (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
KeyFrame() (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | explicit |
KeyFrame(const KeyFrame &k2) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | explicit |
left() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
length() const (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
loadFile() override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | virtual |
LOW_THRESHOLD (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
mAttachedFileName (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mBounds (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
memoryUsage() override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | virtual |
mEnableAutoCrop (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
mEventListeners (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mFrame (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mImage (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
mIsModified (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mIsSelected (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mLength (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | private |
mMinBound | BitmapImage | private |
modification() (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
mOpacity (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | private |
moveTopLeft(QPoint point) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
moveTopLeft(QPointF point) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
operator=(const BitmapImage &a) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
operator=(const KeyFrame &k2) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | |
paintImage(QPainter &painter) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
paintImage(QPainter &painter, QImage &image, QRect sourceRect, QRect destRect) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
paste(BitmapImage *, QPainter::CompositionMode cm=QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
paste(const TiledBuffer *tiledBuffer, QPainter::CompositionMode cm=QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
pixel(int x, int y) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
pixel(QPoint p) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
pos() const (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
redline (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
removeEventListner(KeyFrameEventListener *) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | |
right() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
scanLine(int x, int y, QRgb color) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
scanToTransparent(BitmapImage *img, int threshold, bool redEnabled, bool greenEnabled, bool blueEnabled) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
setCompositionModeBounds(BitmapImage *source, QPainter::CompositionMode cm) | BitmapImage | protected |
setCompositionModeBounds(QRect sourceBounds, bool isSourceMinBounds, QPainter::CompositionMode cm) | BitmapImage | protected |
setFileName(QString strFileName) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
setImage(QImage *pImg) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
setLength(int len) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
setModified(bool b) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
setOpacity(qreal opacity) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
setPixel(int x, int y, QRgb color) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
setPixel(QPoint p, QRgb color) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
setPos(int position) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
setSelected(bool b) (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | inline |
size() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
top() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
topLeft() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
topRight() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
transform(QRect rectangle, bool smoothTransform) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
transform(QRectF rectangle, bool smoothTransform) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
transformed(QRect selection, QTransform transform, bool smoothTransform) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
transformed(QRect rectangle, bool smoothTransform) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
transformed(QRectF rectangle, bool smoothTransform) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
transp (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
unloadFile() override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | virtual |
updateBounds(QRect rectangle) | BitmapImage | protected |
width() (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | inline |
writeFile(const QString &filename) (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
~BitmapImage() override (defined in BitmapImage) | BitmapImage | |
~KeyFrame() (defined in KeyFrame) | KeyFrame | virtual |